Monday, 14 January 2013

Abs obsession.

As I said on my previous post about my new year's resolution, this is my progress so far just 9 days in. What do you think?

I'm still working hard, trying to get better and hope to inspire people by showing them that everybody can do it if they have the will. As to all the questions asked about my workout routine and dietary, I'm just gonna answer everybody here in one go, so here it goes, I workout in the gym around 5 times a week including cardio on most days.

I usually start my cardio before my workout because it this routine works better for me. As people may differ, certain people prefers cardio after their workouts. I prefer running before my workouts because usually after my workouts, I get really tired and my body would not have enough calories to burn due to my low calories dietary. The best time to do abs exercises is right after cardio, this is because your body would be burning hot. I usually start by doing crunches around 20 reps or more for 4 sets each. Right after that, I would be doing lower abs exercise and then weighted crunches, rotating torso for my obliques ( the side of your rib cage ) and lastly, back extension to get the nice cut around the love handles. *( All exercises are done with 20 reps for 4 sets each )

Most people complain and say that they do so many crunches and abs exercises in a day but still see no result. That is why dietary is the most important aspect to having a hot body. I would place the importance of dietary at 70% and 30% for workouts. My current dietary consist of chicken breast, vegetables and eggs for lunch, chicken breast, bread and fruits for dinner. These foods are all prepared without oil.

This is the results of my progression just after 9 days.

the 9th day.

Hope to hear from you guys soon. :)